Sunday, 20 September 2015


God paid a great price for you. So don't become slaves of anyone else.  (1 Corinthians 7:23 CEV)


The world is subject to the slavery of sickness, poverty, crime, sin, demonic attack, failures, curses etc. but if you are a child of God you are free. God in His love (John3:16), made payment for you through the blood of Jesus Christ. Hence, you are not for sale to devil, failure, poverty, sin, sexual immorality etc. Firstly, by the way of definition who is a slave?
A Slave: a person who is dominated by somebody or something, someone in bondage, in servitude and imprisoned or restricted (zero progress).
In this publication, I will be discussing five (5) key points that will help you to live as a King/Queen that you are. Being a King/Queen signifies Royalty, Wealth & Riches, Authority, freedom, all round excellence etc. these five (5) key points defines your royalty and your worth.

1. MINDSET (Phil 4:8)

Dr. Farrah Gray, named by BET in 2012 as the Famous Black Entrepreneur, who at age of 14 became a millionaire. He is a businessman, investor, philanthropist, author and a motivational speaker. Although Gray was raised on Chicago’s South side by a single parent (mother), obviously born poor. But his mindset contributed immensely to his success. At a tender age, he told his teacher he was going to be a millionaire and an entrepreneur but the teacher said you are not going to be anything, you better go find someone to work for and she pointed to McDonald. Gray looked at her and thought maybe she is right. On getting home, he asked the grandma “why did she say I won’t be successful” you shouldn’t listen to her replied the grandma, every person put on their pant one leg at a time expect they jump into it. She said wake up every morning and say “Why not me?” i.e. if anybody is going to be a millionaire why not me. That counsel changed Farrah Gray forever.
As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Your mindset is the way you think, otherwise known as you mentality. Your mentality is directly proportional to your self-esteem. A slave have a low self-esteem as a result of negative thinking, they never see anything good about themselves. There are a lot of negative people in this world and do not allow them to sell you to negativity. Your mindset determines your actions i.e. if you think positively you will have a positive life. Stop thinking about failures, evil or lack but believe in yourself and have faith in God.


When someone tells you that you are a failure or you are never going to make it, the best revenge isn’t to hate or abuse the fellow but to forgive and proof the person wrong by succeeding extraordinarily. You have got to convert the bad things anyone says about or to you into energy to drive success. This defines Sijibomi Ogundele, he became a billionaire at the age of 33. Sijibomi in an interview narrated an experience he would never forget. “An experience I would never forget is when a high school teacher always told me: Olasiji Ogundele, you would never amount to anything. You are too stubborn; you are too dumb. Today, this teacher works for Sujimoto construction (a company own by Sijibomi) as one of our consultants.” If they say you “CAN’T DO IT” don’t be angry or feel rejected “JUST DO IT”


I believe so much in this quote of Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Knowledge is power. The scripture says “Let instruction and knowledge mean more to you than silver or the finest gold.  (Pro 8:10 CEV)”. Education goes beyond going to school and passing exams, you must develop the culture of reading. Readers are leaders. Hence, people that don’t read are slaves. When Warren Buffet, the third richest man in the world was building up a career in investing, he would read up to 1000 pages every single day. According to science every human being have the same numbers of cells in the brain, therefore, there is no reason why anyone should be better than you. What differentiates us is our level of knowledge.


To be successful in life is a choice. Toyosi Akerele, founder and CEO of Rise Network was named by Forbes in 2014 as one of the 20 Youngest Power Women in Africa. While going up raised by her poor mother at the age of 13 resolve that “no man will have sex with me for money.” Great people are known by the decision they made that others didn’t make. Daniel made up his mind not to harm himself by eating the king's rich food and drinking the king's wine. … (Dan 1:8 GW). In this generation the kings food and wine is sexual immorality (fornication, masturbation, watching porn etc.). So as not to be enslaved make a resolution not to harm yourself with sexual sins. There is pride in virginity. This resolution differentiated Joseph from Samson.


(Pro 29:18 KJV)  Where there is no vision, the people perish… show me a man without vision and I will show you a slave. You are not born by mistake no matter the circumstances of your birth. God has a plan for you. God plan you to be great, and to attain greatness you must ask God to show you “the Purpose behind your birth”  "Jeremiah, I am your Creator, and before you were born, I chose you to speak for me to the nations."  (Jer 1:5 CEV). You are born to be a solution to a problem. God has uniquely created you for a purpose, it is your duty to discover it. Prayers and study of the bible is a pathway to discovering your purpose.


I am bought with the blood of Jesus and I am not for sale to sin or sexual immorality. I am not cheap, I am an heir of God and joint heir with Christ. I am a winner, I will never quit. I am born uniquely to be great. Every voices that say I am a failure, I am inadequate or I won’t make it, is silenced. No matter how rough my way may be or how my background could have been I am victorious. My past mistakes or failures won’t define me nor hold me back, I am reaching out for a glorious future in God. I resolve to be sexually pure I say no to boyfriends or girlfriends. I know who I am.

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